Friday, December 3, 2010

advent days 1-2 (on advent day 3, no less!)

ok. so december 1 & 2 flew by without getting my post on advent. oops!

i love advent. i suppose that it began when i was a little girl at my church.  it transformed into a sanctuary decorated with greenery, poinsettias & different Christian symbols. so when we attended our first hanging of the green service last year at wilshire, i was very pleasantly surprised!  but, enough about me (hey! i write, maintain & design this thing; i figure i can talk about myself on occassion. did i mention i cook & clean, too?).

anyhoo, i started a quest for an advent calendar so that elle would have a fun way to count down the days to Christmas. i couldn't find a reusable calendar that fit the bill (pottery barn kids & target be damned!) so we settled on this cardboard cheapy from world market for $6.95. i've resolved myself to making the advent calendar for next year. i figure if i start now, it'll be done by 2011. ha!

so we did days 1 & 2 last night. oops again! wednesdays are just too hectic for us. elle was intrigued by the doors & the foil wrapped "presents" (later revealed as chocolate). she wanted to open all of the doors!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

we had to play catch-up on ours too yesterday. :)