Tuesday, July 5, 2011

fwee. or three.

friday, elle turned 3. can you believe it?! i cannot. i also cannot believe how much she's grown and changed in a year. i'm not going to tell you how darn smart she is; you already know that.

*can express her opinion (it's a recessive trait, we think)
*can negotiate (bites of food, tv time, play time, bed time, whatever).
*can throw a fit (y'all just think she's soooo cute and sweet. mm hm.)
*is fully potty trained (ok, has been)! hooray! do you know how much diapers freed up that bank account?!
*knows what "download" means...or at least what it gets you. (when i told her i didn't have a particular game on my phone she said "well you can just download it").
*knows how to work a room. and her daddy. but, i'm all over her bag of tricks.
*loves to do arts & cracks ("elle, can you say craFFFFts?" to which she responds "cracks" with a very assertive head nod)
*loves to read.
*loves to sleep. that's a mommy trait (every morning: "da light ih too bwight. tuhn ih off!).
*tells people she "has a furry brodder named jack".
*might be a little bossy. that totally came from her daddy. totally.
*thinks eleven is "eleventeen". and it is followed by 18. then 45.
*is always on the go. always. her pediatrician recently told us (upon observing her): "guys. this one is not going to have a desk job. she just won't want to sit still".

photos to follow.

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